Refined Oil : Good or Bad - Alternatives for Refined Oil

Effect of refined oils

Oils are very important for cooking. In our kitchen we used cooking oil in a large quantity so it is important to choose healthy oil. Not doing so can lead to problems like weight gain, heart stroke, diabetes etc. If you often wonder what is a single thing you can do that significantly improves your health - change your cooking oil. It is unfortunate that almost everyone nowadays are using the refined oil for cooking.

In this blog of Lifestyle, we take care of your health, so we want to share the reasons why you should ditch refined oils and what are it's alternatives.

#. What are Refined Oils?

Refined Oils are damaged oils. However refining means to purify which is exactly opposite. Oils are one of the healthiest thing nature has provided to us, but refining damages this property. It is unfortunate that nowadays more than 90% people consume refined oils more than 3 times a day. Most of the oils you see in markets or online are refined oils. It is because of these oils heart attack, obesity and high cholesterol are increasing day by day.
It is because of marketing of these oil companies, we started using refined Oils in place of healthy oils.

#. How is Refined Oils made?

You may ask why the refined oils are bad. The answer lies in its manufacturing process.

At first, oil is extracted using chemical solvent like Hexane (which is a petroleum product) at high temperature so that most amount of oil can be extracted from the seed. I don't think petroleum product are edible. Hexane added in the oils are reason of drowsiness, weakness, abdominal pain, headache etc. This process is called solvent extraction.

Then, Degumming is done to remove flavour and odour of the oil. For this high temperature is used. At this temperature the fundamental structure of oil changes and healthy fats are converted into trans fat. This oil is damaged and is harmful for health because oil once heated loses its natural properties and become unfit for reuse.

It's not over yet. Now, harmful preservatives and anti-foaming agents are used to preserve it for longer time and to avoid foam while cooking.

Now, the thing which is left behind is colourless, odourless, tasteless and nutritionless liquid which is called as refined oil. Any oil that go across this process, loses your natural properties and nutrition. Many people use this oil two to three times daily for cooking.
According to me refined oils should get banned.

#. Alternative for Refined Oil

1) Olive Oil 

Alternative of refined oil

Olive Oil are slowly becoming popular due to marketing of foreign countries. Nowadays people who are a bit health conscious are switching to olive oil. Olive oil which of course a healthy alternative, but not the ideal choice.
This is because :-
  • Olive oils are very costly. Normal people cannot afford it for a daily cooking.
  • Olive oil is a foreign outcome so it do not compliment Indian and Nepali dishes well. It is good while making pasta or any other foreign dishes.
Opt for extra virgin olive oil while purchasing.

2) Cold-pressed (Kachi ghani) Oils

Alternative for Refined Oil

Cold pressing is ancient method in which no heat is involved while extracting oil. This retain vitamins and minerals of oil including flavor and smell. In this technique high quality oil is extracted. These cold pressed oils are among the healthiest oils in the planet.

Actually we used to use these oils in the past but due to marketing of refined oil companies, we don't realize when we started using refined oils.

Cold pressed version of Coconut, Groundnut, Sesame, Mustard etc. oils are best for cooking, affordable and versatile. These oils has lots of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals in it.
Moreover, benefits of these oils are not limited to just cooking, it can be used in any other purpose like massaging, oiling hair, oilpulling etc.

3) Ghee

Ghee alternative of refined oil

Ghee is called Golden butter. Local cow ghee is compared to nectar. Did you know that no oils should be reused except Ghee. Ghee is only oil which has this power. It is best for cooking.
Inspite of the countary believe that Ghee increases obesity and cholesterol level hold false.
Ghee contains healthy fat which is good for health. Ghee is considered as super food and gold mine of nutrient.
It is used in foreign country as premium clarified butter. There doctor advise putting a tablespoon of Ghee in coffee.
However, it might not be affordable for daily cooking but if you can afford it use it.

So, now ditch those refined oils and use cold pressed oil or Ghee as it is easiest way to come closer to healthy lifestyle.
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