Top 4 Healthier Alternative For Sugar

Sugar is one of the worst food that most of the people consume in daily basis. It is not only  unhealthy but also very addictive so much that it can be comparable to drugs. This is because when we eat sugar our brain releases dopamine which is feel good chemical. This is why we crave for sugary food. It is sugar in which sweets and package food and drinks depends on. These are loaded with sugar.

The table sugar we have in our home is prepared from lot of chemical processing and sulfur washing. So much so that you don't have any nutrition value in it, just empty calories.

Daily consumption of sugar not only increase the fat percentage in our body also causes dark circle, teeth cavity, bad breath and type 2 diabetes.

It means so we have to compromise with our sweet tooth. Not at all, Just replace the sugar with following healthier alternatives which is not only easily available but also cost the same.

4. Mishri (rock sugar)

Healthier alternative to sugar: mishri

The best thing about Mishri is that it taste same as refined sugar and also very versatile. Mishri is produce in the process of making refined sugar just before it is chemical treated. It greatly helps in digestion and increase haemoglobin level in the blood. It can be put in everything that we are currently putting sugar. Be sure to buy only thread mishri not the crystallized mishri which is just a bigger version of sugar.

3. Honey

Healthier alternative to sugar: honey

Honey is excellent alternative of sugar. It is very high in antioxidant and antibacterial properties. It gets easily digested moreover it is good for a heart and helps to cut down extra fat in the body. It can be applied in bread, roti, milk, lemon water, juices etc.

2. Stevia

Healthier alternative to sugar: Stevia

Stevia is zero calorie and zero glycemic index natural sweetener which make it best for calorie conscious and diabetic patient. It is derived from the leaf of stevia plant. It is little costly but you can use it in less amount as it is 25 times sweeter than normal sugar.

1. Jaggery (gur) and jaggery powder (shakkar)

Healthier alternative to sugar: jaggery and jaggery powder

It is the no.1 healthier alternative of sugar. Both of them have more nutrients than all above. Yes, both of them is made from sugarcane like sugar but is least processed. We have been using it since ages. It is blood purifier, boost metabolism and prevent constipation. Both of them are available at cheaper price. Make sure darker the colour healthier it is.

You can replace sugar with any of these alternatives and it's just matter of days you will see fat decreasing, skin glowing and energy boosting.

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