Homesickness - How to deal with Homesickness

How to deal with Homesickness

Are you someone who feels homesick when you come to a new place? If yes, then you are not only one. Homesickness is common problem problem faced by many students and foreign employees. Many people find it hard to overcome homesickness which might lead them to to depression, stress, lack of productivity and focus etc.

Time taken to overcome homesickness depends from person to person. Regardless here Lifestyle wants to share some tips that may help you in your quick recovery from homesickness.

#. What is Homesickness?

Homesickness is a psychological distress caused by leaving the home and staying away from it in a new place for a purpose. It is sense of attachment to homely environment.


In this people find it difficult to adjust to new environment they want to go back to their home. The reason of homesickness could be that they are not used to staying away from home or it might be their nature. Whatever may be the reason this is a temporary problem and soon you can come out of it.

This is a kind of struggle that is preparing you for the difficulties coming up in the near future.

The common victims sickness could be University and hostel students, foreign workers, refugee, migrants etc.

#. How to deal with Homesickness

1) Make new friends

How to cope with homesickness

Homesickness may get worst if you are staying alone. So try to make a new friend circle and spend time with them. This can help you to adjust more easily to your new place.

Do remember that your friends may also be feeling homesick like you. So, they need you as much as you need them. You can talk out your feeling with them. This can help to build emotional support for both of you.

2) Focus on your goals

Homesickness can hinder your progress towards your goal. Remember why you are there at first place. Think about the purpose why you left your family and friends behind and work towards it.

 This can help to shift your attention toward your goal. In this way it can help to overcome your homesickness.

3) Talk to your family and friends

how to overcome homesickness

Since you have come far away from your family, You might have been missing them. So get in touch with your family and friends. Talk to them about your feelings and experience in a new place. Their advice might be helpful in your new journey.

But don't overdo it. Overdoing it can hamper your recovery from home sickness and can make situation even worse.

4) Get Active


Don't get lazy and stay in one place all the time. By doing this you will come in exposure of your thoughts and grief.

So try to keep yourself busy. You can start exercising, develop a hobby, join different clubs, visit new place etc. This way it can be easy to make new friends and indulge in your university life. Moreover this will boost your productivity.

Staying isolated can make situation worst. This can help you boost your recovery from homesickness.

5) Create homely environment

If you are missing your home, you can make place around you like your home. You can bring your favourite things like teddy bear, book or just a photograph to your new place. This will create homely vibes and make you feel closer to your home.

This can be important if you're not going back home for long period of time.

6) Explore new places around you

There are lot to do in new place rather than to stay depressed and keep on thinking about your home.

Make yourself familiar with new environment. This will help you to lower your home sickness. It will also add an valuable experience to your life. Get to know your surroundings and people around you.

You can go for sightseeing, visit the popular place around or do some volunteer work with friends. By doing it you will actually feel better than your home.

7) Ask for Help

how to overcome homesickness

If it is getting difficult for you to handle homesickness and you think you need help, there is no shame to ask for it.

You can go for counselling which might be arranged by college, ask help from your teachers, colleagues or friends and can also seek therapy if necessary. Homesickness can be really difficult for some people and they might not be able to come out of it easily. Moreover transition between School to university is not that easy which might add up the difficulty. So, it's OK to ask for helping hand if you need it.

Many of us have actually felt homesick at some point in our life. However all of us know it's temporary. By following above point you will be in your fastest recovery from homesickness.

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