How to Increase Memory Power

How to increase memory power

Our memory, focus and concentration is directly governed by our brain. So, it is important to unleash the true potential of it. It may be annoying if we can't remember a single line, misplace our things or we tend to forget the names of people around us. This may be the sign of weaken memory. It doesn't matter if you are a student preparing for exam or an employee trying to excel in your job, this blog can be helpful.

Here, Lifestyle wants to share some measures that will most likely help to increase your memory and focus and also help to boost brain power.

#. Ways to increase Memory and Concentration

1) Meditation

How to increase memory power in students

Meditation can be extremely helpful to student who is trying to focus on the studies. Meditation is like an exercise for our mind and brain that can help to relax our mind and improve our focus.

Today majority of people around are monkey-minded people who cannot focus on a single thing just for sometime. They are not in their present state of mind. In this case, meditation can come to rescue. Practicing mindful meditation just for 15 minutes every day can help to bring back our focus and concentration of our mind which inturn help to boost our memory.

Some meditation poses that can help are Padmasana (lotus pose), focus breathing, Sarvangasana (shoulder stand pose), Padahastasana (standing forward bend pose), Halasana (plow pose) etc.

2) Picture write something unusual

How to increase memory and concentration

Our brain instantly picks of extreme emotion. If you see something on unusual our brain instantly registers it. We can use this trick to improve our memory power.

Our brain is more familiar to pictures then words. So, try to picturise what you want to remember and connect it with the different thing around. You can merge different things like elephant with beak of a duck etc. to make it unusual. This can be easily picked up by our brain and get stored in our long term memory.

3) Get proper Sleep

how to increase concentration and memory power

Sleep is a time when our mind and body gets time to relax. In this modern world, many peoples are sleep deprived and they proudly call themselves an night owl. However, this must not be done. About 7 to 8 hours of restful sleep is needed for proper functioning of our mind and body.

Sleep plays an important role in our memory retention. How well do you sleep tonight will determine how much will you remember the things that you are trying to learn today. Sleep is the period in which our short term memory gets converted to long term. So, students preparing for exams should not skip sleep and should get proper sleep a night before exam to perform well.

4) Exercise

How to boost Memory power

Every one of us know the magical benefit of exercise for our body but the list is not over yet. Exercise is extremely beneficial for our mind and brain too.

During exercise chemical named Serotonin gets released which instantly boost our mood and relax our brain. There also releases other neurotransmitter like dopamine and noradrenaline that helps our brain to consolidate our memories which otherwise gets decayed faster. It improves blood flow to our brain which improve our brain health. Moreover exercise is proved to grow new brain cell in  Hippocampus of our brain which deals with our long term memory.

5) Challenge your Brain

Tips to increase memory power

Like, challenging our muscle increases its strength and size in the similar way challenging our brain increases its potential. It increases our brain sharpness, alertness and brain coordination. Our brain actually makes new neural pathways to overcome those challenges in easy way which makes more stronger.

Challenge your brain by -

  • Playing some mental games like Rubik's cube, Puzzles, Chess etc.
  • Recondition your brain by doing day to day things by non dominant hand like brushing with left hand, writing with left hand etc.
  • Exercise your brain - you can draw two different shapes by two different hand at the same time or try similar challenge.
  • Learn new skill.

6) Practice NoFap

How to increase memory and concentration

This may be difficult and overwhelming for many of us but you can give it a try. Practicing nofap can boost memory and brain function by nourishing our brain cells.

According to Ayurveda, if reproductive fluid is retained by men and women this sexual energy is transformed to bring most amazing benefit physically, mentally and spiritually. It also says how those fluid contains vital nutrient which when retained gets absorbed in the blood and moves upward in the form of ojas which helps to nourish our brain. So, try it.

7) Use Mnemonics

How to increase memory power naturally

A mnemonics is an instructional strategy that help student improve their memory of important information. It helps students to memorize long and complicated things in a simpler way by using keywords, rhyming words or acronyms. You may associate things you need to remember with a common thing that you are familiar with. The mnemonics could be picture, humour or something new.

8) Repeat and Revise

How to increase memory power in students

Repetition and revision is most to recall the information that is stored in our long term memory.
We tend to forget that thing that is freshly learnt so we need to keep on revising it for several number of time. Revise the chapter at home after it is taught in this school. It is more important before exam.

A good amount of revision is needed because unlike computer our brain cannot remember 100% in one go.

#. Additional Tips to increase our memory power

  • Declutter your work and study space
  • Include brain nourishing food in your diet like nuts, fresh fruits, ghee, dark chocolate etc.
  • Use some ayurvedic product like Brahma rasayan, Saraswatarishta, Jyotishmati oil etc.
  • Avoid stress
  • Be cheerful and laugh more often
  • Change your study routine from time to time
  • Avoid dehydration

The good thing about the brain is that its capability can easily be enhanced unlike height or skin tone where genetics plays an important role, in case of a brain if we trained it in a right direction you can get most out of it.

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