Heel Toe (Happy Feet) Tutorial for Beginners

Hi guys,

I hope you are learning from my blog. Today I'm going to teach you a step called heel toe. Some people call it happy feet. It is very simple step but looks really cool. Now let's get started.

Step- 1

Stand erect. Twist The heel of your left leg stepping on the toe. Go back. Try this for couple of time. 

Step- 2

Go back to a starting position. The toe of your right leg stepping on the heel. Go back. Do this for couple of time. 

Step- 3
Now, we we need to do both step one and two at the same time. Twist the heel of your left leg and toe of your right leg at the same time.  Keep your balance.


Now, let's do same thing from opposite leg to opposite side. Twist that toe of your left leg stepping on the heel and heal of your right leg is stepping on the toe at the same time. 

Step- 5
 Do step three and four without cut between. 

At the beginning look like puzzle but don't give up. Practice as many time as you can. After you master it you can add any body movement as you want. This step is a part of many dance choreography so master it. Go through the blog as many time as you want.

I hope you have learned something new. If you have please comment down and share this blog. You can go through my other blog. Thank you for coming here.

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