How to improve Eyesight

How to improve eyesight

 Eyes are one of the most sensitive organ of our body. So utmost care should be taken to keep it healthy. But many people take it for granted and feel lazy to put an effort to take care of it. It is an organ of vision which brings colours to our life.

According to reports, people suffering from eye problems has increased by almost four times in past ten years. It is obvious that our Eyes loses its original power with age but today, 1 out of 4 teenagers and youngsters are found with specs in their eyes.

Here, Lifestyle wants to share some of the measures that will help you protect your eyes and improve its power.

#. Ways to Improve your Eyesight

1) Keep your Eyes clean

How to increase eyesight

Personal hygiene is important for our overall body. Like we clean our body, we should clean our eyes too.

Fill your mouth full of water (this will stretch your eye muscles) and splash cold water in your eyes. This is a simple yogic technique that helps to cool your eyes instantly and wash out all the dirt and plaque from the eyes.

You can apply your saliva over the eyes just after waking up. This is not just inexpensive but also medicinal for eye disease. Just take some of it in your finger and apply it below eyelid.

2) Protect your eyes

Our eyes are most sensitive and delicate organ which makes it more vulnerable to damages. So it's protection is necessary.

  • Protect your eyes from any mechanical injury.
  • Don't look at the Sun or any other harsh light directly.
  • Wear sunglasses that can block UV-A and UV-B rays from the Sun.
  • Wear protective eyewear to prevent eyeinjury in sports or at any other harsh job.

3) Relax your Eyes

Tips to improve eyesight

If you work in computer for long or you are student taking online classes or just a smartphone addict, it is highly important to relax your eyes to recover eyestrain from these sources. Take 5 minute break in every 45 minutes, Rub your palm and keep it over your eyes. This instantly relax the eyes.

You can lie down putting a slice of cucumber or a cotton pad dipped in rose water each of your eyes. This will provide cooling effect on your Eyes.

These techniques are very effective in relaxing and replenshing your eyes.

4) Exercise for eyes

Exercise is very important for our body including our eyes. It strengthen our Eyemuscles. You can do some eye specific exercise.

  • Rotate your eyes in circular motion in both clockwise and anticlockwise direction for half a minute.
  • You can do a pen exercise. Hold a pen in your hand with its tip facing up. Extend your arm straight and focus your eyes on the tip of the pen. Now, bring the pen closer to you in a straight line and far again. Try to focus in it's tip at every point.
  • Come closer to wall. Look at all the four corners of the wall without moving your head. Do this in both direction.
These are the best exercises for Eyes.

5) Vitamin A

how to improve vision

Vitamin A is no.1 vitamin when it come to Eyes. It is a component of Rhodopsin protein in our Eyes, which helps us to see in low light condition. It also helps to maintain clear cornea, which is the outside covering of our Eye. It protects our eye against any type of infection. Lack of vitamin A can lead to Night blindness, Cataract or Macular degeneration.

All green leafy and colourful vegetables, Eggs, Milk and milk product, Oily fishes, Yellow fruits etc. are extremely rich in vitamin A.

This doesn't mean you compromise on other nutrient overall balance diet should be taken.

6) Optimise your Smartphone uses

how to increase eyesight home remedies

Unwise use of smartphones are very common nowadays and people are getting addicted to it. The blue light emitted from smartphone screen put excessive strain in our eyes. It dehydrate our eyes. Hence, degrading it's health.
  • Try to cut down your smartphone uses.
  • Use anti glare screen protector or specs while using it for longer time.
  • Blink more often.
  • Take some break every now and then.
  • Use blue light filter in your smartphone.

7) Feet massage

how to get better eyesight

This is a simple accupressure technique. There are some nerves in our feet that directly connects to our eyes. Massaging the sole of the feet with any type of cold pressed oil or ghee calms down the whole nervous system and stimulate our eye. You can also walk barefoot on grass but avoid it in tile or clay surface as it weakens the Eyemuscles.

#. Tips to improve Eye health.

How to boost eyesight

  • Take over all balanced diet
  • You can use natural eye drops
  • Practice some poses like Handstand or Headstand as it promote blood circulation in our Eyes.
  • Stimulate the acupressure point between first and second finger.
  • As our eyes are fat tissues, it can be calming to use oil-based eye drops like ghee or Triphala Ghrita.
  • Don't rub your eyes frequently
  • Stay hydrated
  • Avoid smoking as it promote cataract

By following these tips and measures, you will be soon be able to throw those spectacles from your Eyes.

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