How to Boost your Immune System

How to boost your immune system

Immunity is our body's natural defence mechanism to fight diseases and infections. Especially in today's modern world where new Pathogens and Viruses are being discovered every now and then, our immune system should be strong enough in order to fight them and protect us. However some of our unhealthy habits take negative toll on our immune system, thus weakening it. Weak immune system is just like an invitation to health problem.

Lifestyle wants to help you, so we want to share some of the measure to boost your immune system at home.

#. Sign and Symptoms of Weak immune system

How to boost immunity

The common sign of weak immune system includes :-

  • Becoming more prone to diseases and infection
  • Feeling tired most of the time
  • Skin issues and patchy hairloss
  • Wounds take longer time to heal
  • Frequent gut issues
  • High Stress level
  • Auto-immune diseases

#. Ways to boost Immune System

1) Manage stress level

How to strengthen your immune system

Today every second person is dealing with some kind of stress. Prolonged exposure to high stress suppresses our immune system and reduces its capacity to fight diseases.

It is important to manage stress level for healthy immunity. You can start meditation, spend time in nature, involve recreational activities etc. which may be effective in managing day to day stress.

2) Proper Sleep

How to build immunity

Taking proper sound sleep is extremely important to strengthen our immune system. Do you know, it is during sleep that our body recovers and fight any disease and infection. It also strengthen our fighter T-cells.

So, in order to boost immune system one must take at least 7 to 8 hour of proper sleep. Avoid any electronic gadget at least an hour before sleep.

3) Stay Hydrated

How to boost my immunity

Water especially lukewarm water are effective in boosting immunity. It supplies proper oxygen and nutrient to the cell resulting in its proper functioning. It also flushes out toxins from the body which prevents building of toxins that can have negative impact on our immune system. Thus, it is important to drink enough water and stay hydrated.

4) Vitamin C

How to boost my immune system

Vitamin C is most important vitamin to strengthen our immune system. It makes antibodies that fight infection. Vitamin C is also antioxidant that fights free radicals in our system. Immunity is directly connected to Vitamin C. All citrus fruit, Tomato, Potatoes, Strawberry, Papaya etc. are rich source of vitamin C.

Amla is its no. 1 source. Do you know, the amount of Vitamin C contain in one amla is equal to that of 20 oranges. So just consuming one amla a day will cure all your Vitamin C deficiencies.

5) Exercise

How to boost your immune system

Regular Exercise is very important to maintain fit and healthy body. Exercise can easily boost our immune system. This is because any sort of aerobic or resistance exercise maintains the optimum activity of WBC in our body. It also improve antibodies production.
By exercise doesn't mean gymming exclusively. You can play your favourite sport, dance, jog, do sprinting or just do brisk walking.

6) Sunbathing

How to boost immune system

Morning sun is very important not just for our immune system but for overall body. Staying on the sun just for sometime, our body starts to make Vitamin D which is is not just important for our bone health but also for our immune system. It boosts antibodies production in our body helping our immune system. It also has several other health benefits like boost our mood, fight stress, regulate sleep pattern etc.

#. Additional Tips to Strengthen our immune system

Tips to boost your immune system

  • Maintain healthy and balanced diet
  • Include whole grains in your diet
  • Minimize the intake of the junk and Sugary food
  • Have herbal tea and decoction made up of herbs like Ashwagandha, Giloy, Neem, Tulsi, Turmeric etc. which is a natural immunity booster.
  • Have raw fruits and vegetable in form of Salad
  • Do not indulge in smoking and alcohol
  • Take care of your gut health as 70% of immunity comes from our gut
  • Take care of your Hygiene
  • Focus on overall Wellbeing

Taking care of immune system is a long term health investment. We should put an effort to keep it strong so that we can enjoy long-term health benefits.

Lifestyle hopes that this blog was helpful.
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