How to get rid of Pimples naturally

how to remove pimple marks naturally

Pimples is one of the most common problem all over the world. It is estimated that about 80% of people suffer from pimples at some point in their life. However, it is more common in in puberty and teenage between the age of 11 to 25 where our body is going through lots of hormonal changes

Pimples and acne can be one of the most stubborn thing that we have faced in our life. It can be very hard to get rid of but even if we manage to do so they leave their mark behind with never seems to go.

Here, Lifestyle wants to share some natural ways that will help you to tap this problem from it's root cause. So you can get your clear and pimplefree skin back.

#. What causes Pimples?

When our body's sebaceous gland over produce the oil, these oil combines with dead skin cells with blocks our skin pores and hair follicles. This promote the growth of bacteria under our skin leading to pimples.

Genetics, skin type, hormonal change, lifestyle etc. also plays an important role for your severity of pimples and acne.

#. Ways to get rid of acne and pimples naturally

1) Take proper Sleep

Lack of sleep is one of the most common problem in today's modern world. It is during sleep skin heals itself and renews our skin cells. Moreover, sleep is the time when our immune system fights those pimple causing bacteria under our skin.

Also, when we are sleep deprived, there is increase in cortisol level in our body. This increase in cortisol causes skin to secret more sebum. Excess amount of sebum along with dirt and bacteria causes inflammation on skin and formation of pimples.

So, one should take adequate amount of sleep about 7 to 8 hours daily.

2) Never pop a pimple

Everyone who had pimples have done this sometime or the other thinking this will help in there faster recovery from pimples. However, this holds false.

Popping a pimple will release its puss and bacteria into the surrounding which may cause more inflammation making the acne worst and longer to heal. Moreover, this may spread bacteria to unaffected areas which may cause pimple breakouts. So, this will do more harm than good.

Popping a pimple also increase the risk of formation of scar in that place which again takes eternity to heal.

3) Detoxify yourself

How to get rid of pimples permanently at home

When there are lots of toxins and heat accumulated in our body which may be due to our lifestyle and food choices then, our body show signal in the form of acne and pimples in our face. So, it is not enough to treat pimple only from outside but to tap it's root cause within the system. This may be why pimples tend to revisit our doorstep like a ever-returning guest.

But how can you detoxify yourself?

Avoid junk, sugary and spicy food and focus on fresh homemade food. All bitter food like bitter gourd, cruciferous vegetables etc. are natural blood purifier.

Neem juice, Harad (Chebulic Myrobalan), Chirata (Swertia), Amala (Indian gooseberry), All natural sweetener like Jaggery, Honey, Sugarcane juice etc. are natural detoxifier.

By doing this you can see the result from day one.

4) Focus on your Hygiene

As the pimples is caused by bacterial infection so to prevent this it is important to take care of our hygiene at all cost.

Regularly clean your face with toxinfree facewash. This will remove excess oil, bacteria and dead skin cells from our face. It is recommend to wash our face twice daily while before going to bed and after waking up.

Regular shower will also help to remove dirt and dead skin cells from the pores of the skin which otherwise may cause inflammation of pimples. This becomes must after a workout session or in hot summer days.

Moreover, never forget to clean your fabrics. Your bedding, towels and clothes should be kept cleaned and disinfected. This is because you are always in contact with them so it may act as a medium to spread out the pimple causing bacteria to other areas of the body which may lead to pimple breakout.

5) Zinc

how to remove pimple marks naturally at home

Zinc is a dietary mineral important for skin development as well as regulating metabolic rate and hormonal levels. Zinc also has an anti-inflammatory properties which help to reduce swelling, redness and irritation caused by acne and pimples. Zinc is also called beauty mineral as its helps to maintain the health of our skin, hair and nails. It is found that low level of zinc is linked with increasing level of acne and pimples cases.

All kind of beans, lentils, mushroom, cashew, meat, seafood, dairy products etc. are excellent source of zinc.

6) Avoid too much Make-up

This may be helpful for all the ladies out there. Excessive use of makeup can make your pimple worse. This is because it clogs our skin pores which makes our skin unable to respire. Moreover the chemicals used in makeup may give rise to various other skin problems like white and black heads, wrinkles, faster ageing, inflammation etc. Also these chemicals are harmful to our environment.

This doesn't mean you have to give up on your makeup. You can always opt for natural and non comedogenic based makeup products. These are less likely to clog your skin pores which will reduce the chance of skin problems.

However, it is best to reduce its uses.

7) DIYs facemasks

how to remove pimple mark

Many of the skin problems including pimples occurs due to excess heat accumulated in our body. So, facemasks of cooling nature should be opted.

Today internet is filled with DIYs facemasks and sprays. You can choose Multani mitti (Fuller's earth), Neem, Aloe vera, Turmeric, Tea tree oil, Green tea etc. based facemask and sprays.

Choose according to your skin type. Applying it daily is not recommended, 2 to 3 times a week is enough. A patch test beforehand is recommended.

#. Additional Tips to overcome Pimples

  • Stay hydrated
  • Avoid frequent touching your face
  • Practice workout and meditation
  • Avoid stress and stay cheerful
  • Take a well balanced diet
  • Try to protect your skin from harsh sunlight and pollution
  • Remove your makeup before going to bed
  • Avoid cosmetic product on your skin
  • Avoid consuming combination of milk and salt together
  • Use some ayurvedic product like Triphala powder, White sandalwood paste, Rose water, Shatavari powder etc.

Whatever may be the severity of your pimple but by following above mention points you will in the path of your fastest recovery from it permanently.

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