Indoor Air Pollution (silent killer) and It's Solutions


Everyone of us know how pollution is increasing day by day with modernization. According to WHO, one person is dying in every 20 seconds due to pollution. More people are dying due to breathing problem then smoking cigarette.

Everyone of us take some kind of precaution like wearing masks while going out, but what about inside your home. You are not safe in the four wall of your house either. The culprit is indoor pollution. You may not be aware about it.

So, to care of your health Lifestyle has taken a step to spread awareness about it.

#. What is indoor pollution?

If you say air pollution to someone they will probably think about large factories, vehicle on the road, burning tyres etc. it's true but they completely forget about their own house.

Indoor Air Pollution (The Silent Killer) and It's Solution

People think they are completely safe in four walls of their house but the reality is completely opposite. Do you know air inside your home is five times more polluted than outside. This is because of indoor pollution (pollution inside your home).
WHO calls it a silent killer.

Indoor air pollution

About 90% of our time we spend in our home mainly due to the covid pandemic and inhale these polluted gas. Indoor pollution can be 10 times harmful than outdoor. The air you breathe inside can be full of harmful gases, particulate matter, VOCs etc. Inhaling such air can cause respiratory problems, headache, heart disease, eye irritation, lower mental function and even lung cancer. Children and aged person is more vulnerable to it.
It's high time for you to get aware about it.

#. What  causes indoor air pollution?

Source of indoor air pollution

The sources are very simple and we come through it in our day to day life.

1)  Using cooking fuels like wood and cow dung

Many people in village area still today uses cooking fuels like wood and cow dung for cooking which causes indoor air to pollute. They do not completely combust and releases microparticle in air which we inhale.

2) Chemicals in personal care products and disinfectant

Artificial fragrance and other chemicals used in air fresheners, perfumes, oils, scented candles, disinfector etc. are also source of indoor air pollution. These fragrance contains petro chemical, benzene derivatives, aldehyde etc  which are proven to cause cancer. These chemicals dissolve in air and goes in our lungs.

3) VOCs in wall paints

Many wall paints contains volatile organic compound which get dissolved in air and cause respiratory problem. There are VOCfree paints use them instead.

4) Candles, mosquito coils, incense sticks (agarbati) etc.

These are very much common in our homes. They are also used in worship purpose. But do you know they do not combust completely and causes indoor air pollution. Incomplete combustion releases unburnt particles and harmful gases in air.

5) Room heater

In winter many people use room heater but don't open their Windows which can be dangerous. This causes lack of oxygen in the room and leads to formation of carbon monoxide which is very poisonous gas.

#. What are it's Solutions?

Solutions of indoor air pollution

1) Keep your rooms well ventilated

Ventilation can improve air quality inside your home significantly. The places like kitchen, bathroom, worship room, bedroom where most pollution happens must be kept well ventilated so that air passes out.

2) Use of LPG and electronic stove

They are most common in urban areas but not so much in rural areas. In LPG stove complete combustion takes place so there is less release of harmful gas. Electronic stove is also completely safe.

3) Replace artificially scented products with natural one

I am sure many of your daily use product contains artificial fragrance. Do you know over 200 toxic chemical may be used in producing artificial fragrance and company need not need to tell you because they have it's patent. One must check the ingredient list while buying product and avoid the product with it. You can go for fragrancefree or naturally fragrance product.

4) Keep Air purifier at home

If you are living in highly polluted cities like Kathmandu, Delhi, Mumbai etc. I recommend investing in good quality air purifier. Make sure your air purifier has HEPA filter in it which removes pm 2.5.

5) Pot air purifying plants at home

It is most efficient and cheapest way to combat indoor air pollution. According to NASA, Areca palm plant, Snake plant and Money plants are three plants which purify indoor air. Scientists say that you can be in a closed bottle with these three plant and you wont die at all. It is one time investment and it will just grow by time. And these guys don't want much in return, just water them once a week. By this way you will be close to nature too.

Health is greater than wealth and we should take care of it at all cost. An average person everyday eats 1 kg of food, drinks 4 litres of water and breathe 20kg of air. We should take steps toward it.

Following above mentioned point, the pollution won't be able to touch you at least in indoor. I hope you came to know something new. So, comment, share and follow Lifestyle.

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