Top 10 Cheapest Source Of Protein


Cheapest Source Of Protein

Protein is very essential macronutrient which must be in our diet. It contribute in daily repair and growth of our body. It also nourishes our skin and hair. All fitness goals like muscle building and fat loss directly depends on protein consumption. It has very important role to play for our body.

An average person who has sanitary lifestyle also need about 1 gram protein per KG of their body weight (i.e. 70gm for 70kg person) and if you workout the protein requirement increases even more. However some of the protein source like whey protein powder may be expensive and don't fit in budget of everyone. 

So, in this blog I want to share with you top 10 my favourite and cheapest protein source.

10. Tofu (soya paneer)

Tofu is made from soyabean. It is a vegan source of protein free from animal product. One serving of tofu (that is 100g) will give you 15gram protein, 15 gram of carbs and 8 gram of fats. So, it is not lean source of protein. If you are concerned it may cause decrease in testerone level, I say have it in moderation.

9. Fish

There are many kinds of fish available. But when it comes to protein whiter the fish better better it is because white fish is lean source of protein without carbohydrate and fats. The fishes like Rohu, Salmon and Pomfret are good so protein essential fat. One serving (i.e. 100gm) has 25 gram of protein on average. Fishes are great source of protein and should be included in your diet.

8. Paneer

Paneer which is also known as cottage cheese is a milk product and vegetarian source of protein. It is also complete source of protein however it is not lean source as it has lots of fats. One serving (i.e. 100gm) give 18 gram of protein but 20 gram of fats. So, have it in moderation.

7. Chicken

When it comes to chicken it is not vegetarian source of protein. The breast part of chicken has lot of protein and is lean source of protein. One serving (i.e. 100gm) will give us 25 gram of protein. So, if you are non vegetarian chicken breast should we part of your diet.

6. Legumes

Kidney beans, chickpeas (chola) and black chana is part of legumes. Legumes are incomplete source of protein but it gets solved if you mix two or more of them in our meal. Main problem is that it is very high in carbohydrates. One serving (that is 100g) will give you 15 gram of protein but 40 gram of carbohydrate . So, have it in moderation.

5. Milk

It has been always the part of our diet especially for children it is a vegetarian source of protein. One can include 500 ml of milk in their diet. Low fat cow milk is the best. 500 ml of milk give you 18 gram protein and 24 gram carbs. 

4. Eggs

Eggs mainly egg white are lean and complete source of protein. They get very easy digested by our body. However yolk contains saturated fat so have it in moderation. Eggs has many other benefit. One egg white contains 4 gram of protein. One can easily have 5 to 6 egg white in 1 serving which is very safe. You can have it in form of boiled egg, omelette or bhurgi.

3. Peanuts

Peanuts are contrary source of healthy fats more than protein. You can roast it or make peanut butter out of it. One serving (that is 30 gram of peanut )will give you 7 gram of protein and also 14 gram of healthy fat. 1 to 2 serving a day can be included.

2. Lentils (Dal)

Dal is very important part of our regular diet. There are many type of dal. It is however incomplete source of protein so mix two or more of them in your meal. Again the problem is same, it has lots of carbs. One serving that is 100 gram of dal will give you 18 gram of protein and 40 gram of carb. So, plan your meal according to it.

1. Soya chunks

Soya chunks are cheapest source of protein. There is controversy about it that it causes hormonal imbalance but moderation is key. You can have 50 gram of it that gives 25 gram of protein (about 52% of soya chunks are protein) and 18 gram of carbs which is impressive but many people do not know about it. Moreover it is vegan source of protein. It is made from soya flour.

These are not only cheapest but also among the healthiest and tastiest source of protein. I hope this blog was helpful to you. Please comment your experience.

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