Depression - How to Deal with Depression

Mental health is a truth but nobody talks about it. Like the way we take care of our physical health, we should take care of our mental health too. Many people don't understand the term mental illness. Mental illness can be as severe as if not more than physical illness. Depression is one of them.

With increase in modernization of life, stress and depression is also increasing. According to WHO, 1 out of 5 people may be suffering from depression. Depression can hit us at any stage of our life and it comes without any warning. It can be cured with courage. 

In this blog of Lifestyle let's talk about it.

#. What is Depression?

How to handle depression

Depression is serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. It can cause feeling of sadness and loss of interest in activities that you enjoyed doing.

It's not just only sadness, it's misery. It is as real as any physical diseases. It is an emptiness.

#. What is difference between Depression and feeling depressed?

Many people confuse about depression and feeling low.

Almost everyone feels low or depressed from time to time. Performing bad in exam, losing job, having argument, break up or even seasonal change can bring on feeling of sadness. And when the circumstances change, those sad feelings disappear.

Depression however is a medical illness. It don't need any trigger to come. And it won't go away easily. It significantly interferes with one's ability to work, play, relationship etc.

#. Symptoms of Depression

Signs and symptoms of depression

The symptoms of depression includes
  • Low mood
  • Loss of interest in things you enjoyed
  • Loss of appetite
  • Feeling of worthless or guilt
  • Sleeping irregularity
  • Poor concentration
  • Loss of energy
  • Feeling restless 
  • Internal mental battle
  • Feeling of suicide

#. How to deal with Depression?

How to deal with depression

Here are some of the ways you can fight depression

1. Proper nourishment
Our mind and body are connected in all levels. Like our mental state has powerful effect in our body, our body also has powerful effect in our mind too. If you eat right and properly, our brain can can generate enough neurotransmitter to replace antidepressant pills. Eat fresh home made food and fruits.

2. Meditation and exercise
Doing meditation and exercise can produce feel good hormone and uplift your mood. Meditation changes nerve fibre in our brain making it easier to cope depression. Exercising just for sometimes helps a lot.

3. Mental nourishment
  • Stay away from negativity as much as possible
  • Wake up early in the morning
  • Play your favourite game
  • Visiting a worship place like temple or church can also help a lot
  • Talk to your friends and family about what you are going through
  • You can burt everything out in front of mirror
  • Watch motivating videos online
  • Sleep in time

#. Some other tips includes


  • Take bath daily
  • Spend time in nature
  • Get out of your room and spend time outdoors
  • Avoid processed food
  • Stay under the morning sunlight
  • Listening to soothing music can also help
  • Be in touch with your family and friends and discuss about your problem with them
  • Don't hesitate to talk about your problem with others

I know it may be difficult to follow the above point but try as much as you can and gradually follow all.
By following above points you are in your fastest recovery from depression. However, you still have to consult a doctor.

One can never feel what depression means, if they have undergone through it. So never underestimate it. If you are fine but you know someone going through it, help them. Many time they seem fine and smiling but they are fighting from inside.

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If you are going through it stay positive, this bad time will eventually pass. It can teach many lessons in your life and it's importance. It is a temporary issue and you will come out of it stronger.

I hope this blog was helpful. Please comment, share and follow Lifestyle.

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