In this fast and busy modern life oral hygiene is one of the thing that is most neglected by people. It is said that our mouth is the reflection of our overall health. It is because our mouth and tongue are interconnected with our vital organs through nerve pathway. So to lead a healthy life it is important to take care of our oral health which otherwise will lead to oral problems including bad breath.
Bad breath is one of the problem that is faced majority of us in our day to day life. This might be embarrassing sometimes and if not taken care can play important role to hamper our social life.
We at Lifestyle has done some research to put together some points that will help you get rid of this problem permanently.
#. What causes bad breath?
#. Ways to get rid of bad breath
1) Brushing the teeth in proper way
Bushing teeth is something that have been part of our daily routine since childhood. But do we do it in proper way? According to a survey 89% of people brush their teeth in wrong way which decreases the effectiveness and may lead to to oral problems like bad breath.
Here are some points to help you -
- One should use soft-bristle toothbrush with just pea size of toothpaste.
- Brushing should always be done in circular motion, neither horizontally or vertically.
- It should always done slowly reaching each and every corner inside your mouth.
- Don't brush vigorously, it will actually damage your tooth enamel.
- Don't rush while you brush, brushing should last at least for 2 minutes.
- Change your toothbrush every now and then.
- Use SLS, fluoride and any other toxins free natural toothpaste.
2) Tongue cleaning
Tongue cleaning is another part of oral hygiene that many people tend to skip. Tongue is a place where most of the bad breath causing bacteria tend to live. Not cleaning it will increase the chance of bad breath and plaque.
You can use tongue cleaner or tongue scraper to clean your tongue while brushing. This should be part of your brushing routine. Always prefer copper or brass tongue cleaner rather than plastic.
3) Avoid Tooth picking
Many people have a habit of tooth picking after each meal. One should avoid it. This is because regular toothpicking increases the space between our teeth, may damage our gums and enamel and also can cause infection. This actually increase the number of habitat for bacterial growth which will worsen the condition of bad breath.
4) Oil pulling
Oil pulling is an ancient technique which was discovered by our fore-father for their oral health. This is also called as Gandusha and Kavala in Ayurveda.
Every morning before brushing, take 1 to 2 teaspoon full of cold pressed oil in your mouth and swiss it inside for 10 to 15 minutes and then spit it out.
In this process osmotic pressure is created by oil since it has the property to attach itself with dirt and microorganism and when it is spitted out, they get flushed with it. This is why it is helpful in any sort of oral problems.
You can utilize those time to do your usual daily routine.
5) Rinse your mouth after every meal
This is very simple and underrated habit that we need to inculcate in our daily life and soon you can feel the difference.
Make a habit to rinse your mouth with water after each meal or after eating anything. Don't rush while rinsing. Do it at least for 10 to 15 second and then spit it out. This will remove the minute food particle that has been stuck in different parts of our mouth which otherwise would remain there and be the reason for bad breath and cavities.
6) Stay Hydrated
If we don't drink enough water or when we are dehydrated, our salivary glands in our mouth cannot produce enough saliva leading to dry mouth. This will cause bad breath because saliva plays important role to control and remove the excess bacteria from our mouth. When there lacks enough saliva in mouth, it supports bacterial built-up.
7) Use Twigs
Chewing twigs can is significantly help to improve our oral health. This age old formula is unbeatable. However, it might be impractical to practice it everyday but you can do it once a week.
Twigs are piece of bark of trees like Neem, Babool, Pomegranate, Mango etc. These have exceptionally high antimicrobial properties which keeps away infections, prevents ulcer, makes gums and teeth stronger, treats bad breath and the list goes on.
#. Personal tips for bad breath
- Avoid mouth freshener and gums with sugar as it worsen the situation
- Use natural mouthwash
- Keeping mint aur Tulsi leaf under the tongue also helps in bad breath
- Restrict coffee intake because it makes our system dry from within
- Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet
- Brush your teeth at least an hour later after the meal
- Is the situation continuous visit the doctor as it may be sign of some oral disease
Following these points your bad breath or any other oral problems will stay at bay. And you'll have stronger teeth and gums with beautiful smile to bear.
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