How to take care of our skin naturally in winter

Winter skin care tips

Winter is approaching and so is the bulk of skin-related problems. Winters are not considered skin friendly. This is because cold weather and low humidity steals away the moisture from our skin leaving us with dry and dull skin, dry lips, frizzy and dry hair, dandruff, low immunity etc. Winter is considered as harsh season in beauty industry. But you need not to be worry about it.

We are here at Lifestyle wanting to share some tips that may help you in your skincare journey this winter.

#. Winter skincare tips

1) Avoid hot showers

Winter skin care

This may sound horrific especially after a long tiring day at work, hot water bath is something that is needed for relaxation. But this can be very harsh for your skin.

Avoid taking bath with very hot water in winters. This is because hot water tends to strip the skin off its natural oil. It also damages the natural protective layer of oil in our skin. Then it cause further dryness of our skin. This makes skin dry and dull which may cause flaking and itchiness on it.

This doesn't mean that you bath with ice cold water of winter. It also cause the same harmful effect like the hot water shower.

So prefer room temperature or luke warm water for shower. If you can't keep yourself far from hot shower then you are shower should not last more than 5 minutes.

2) Lip care

Lips are generally most affected victims of winters. Lips are part of body which always comes in contact with cold and low humid air which makes it dry and flaky.

When the lips get dry, many people tend to lick their lips in order to moisturize them but this action makes it more dry. So, in order to cope with this keep your lip moisturizer handy.

But do note that many lip moisturizer in the market are petroleum jelly based which do not actually mosturize the lips rather it  makes a coating around it. This actually suffocates the pores of our lips and makes our lips dark in the long run.

So always preferred natural lip moisturizer or you can use ghee or coconut oil as an alternative.

3) Be gentle with your towel

Do not vigorous rub of the towel on your skin after taking a shower or washing your face. Being harsh with the towel will only going to make dry and irritable.

So be gentle with your towel and just dab the excess water off the skin. This becomes more important if you have sensitive skin.

4) Rehydration

How to take care of skin in winter naturally

Many people tend to drink less water in winter for different reasons. They think drinking much water is important only in summer. But this holds false.

In winter the air around us is less humid and dry so it tends to absorb the water from our skin. So if we drink less water in winter, not only our skin gets dry but also our system will get dry from within too. This will cause dehydration and other health problem related to it.

So, it becomes more important to yourself hydrated in winter and never skip water.

5) Use Moisturizer on damp skin

winter face care tips

Moisturizer is our best friend in winter. But do you know that moisturizer do not actually add moisture on our skin but it protects the natural moisture of our skin from evaporating in air.

Applying moisturizer just after taking shower when the skin is damp is the best time to apply it. It will then seal the moisture into our skin and will keep our skin hydrated for a longer period of time. It is always better to apply moisturizer in damp skin rather to apply it after skin dries out.

But keep in mind that many moisturizer in market contains lots of harsh chemicals which does more harm than good. So always opt for natural moisturizer however you can use coconut or mustard oil as an alternative.

6) Vitamins

Tips for healthy skin in winter

Vitamins and minerals plays an important role in the maintenance of our skin and hair health. It repairs, nourishes and maintain our skin. Vitamins are essential to our body. Vitamin deficiency can cause negative effects on our skin like wrinkle, acne etc. It also helps to protect our skin from harsh environment of winter.

All types of vitamins are important to our body but when it comes to skin vitamin A, D, E and C are supreme.

All green and colourful fruits and vegetables, sunlight, milk, eggs, meat etc. are rich source of vitamins and minerals.

For extra level of care you can use this vitamin based face masks. Consuming vitamin is important but when it comes to skin putting vitamin directly on the skin ( through facemasks ) is 40 times more effective than consuming it physically.

7) Sunscreen

How to take care of skin naturally in winter

Using sunscreen in cold and cloudy winter may sound stupid. People feel that sunscreen can be skipped in winter due to lack of harsh sunlight and cloudy weather. Absolutely not - the truth is that the cloud do not block the UV rays from the Sun. If you are not using sunscreen the UV rays comes in direct contact of your skin and can damage it.

Always use natural and zinc oxide based sunscreen because many sunscreen in market are full of harsh chemical which can damage your skin in long run.

Following above-mentioned point you can get relaxed enjoy this winter guilt free without worrying much about your skin.

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