Drinking water from plastic bottle vs clay pot vs copper vessel vs steel or glass vessel - Which is better

 Water is very essential for us and everyone of us know why, but do you know the type of vessel in which it is stored is also a thing that should be taken care of. There are different type of vessels that can be used to store and consume water by us. You may wonder, does it even matter to have a look at the utensils that we are using to drink and store water because at the end of the day water is water in any vessel right - wrong. It is proved that water has a special tendency to dissolve some of the properties of the surrounding in which it is stored for a long time. This may result in change in nature and composition of micro element in it. So, water which was stored in different types of vessel has different role to play in our body because it is the major composition of each and every cell of us. About 70% of our body is made up of water, so the nature of water that is consume by us and may directly or indirectly have great effect in our body.

A healthy life is achieved by avoiding to neglect small things around us. And we are here helping you to get informed about it.

#. Which pot is best to store and drink water from?

1) Drinking water from plastic bottle

This is one of the most common and convenient method to quench our thirst especially when we are out of our home. Plastic water bottle can be found everywhere from small shop to supermarket or malls. So, it becomes one of our go to solution to have it when we are thirsty. But do you know what plastic does to the water stored in it.

The water that you see in supermarket may have been packed a long time ago. These bottles remains in the self of supermarket for the long time. When water remains long time in contact with plastic, it becomes acidic in nature and when we consume this type of water it has many side effect in our health. Moreover, this type of bottle release chemical called BPA (Bisphenol A) in its water and which when consumed interferes with the hormonal balance of our body. And by chance if these bottle gets heated due to any reason, it may leach itself and get dissolved in water in the form of micro-plastic and when we consume this type of water these micro-plastic enters into our bloodstream which may cause serious health hazards including cancer. In other words, you may be consuming some amount of plastic with the water stored in it's bottle.

Moreover it's harmful effect in environment can't be neglected. According to some report, about 1 million plastic bottles are bought every minute which at the end of the day gets dumped in the landfill. And do you know? About 3 litres of water is used to make just a plastic bottle in which one litre of water can be stored. So it's best avoided.

2) Drinking water from Clay pot

Water and Earth is deeply connected to each other. We can notice that water is always in contact with earth weather it maybe in river, sea, spring or underground water. It will always have some of its properties.

Clay is rich in minerals and micronutrients like calcium, magnesium and sodium and when we store water in the pot made by it, some of it's minerals get dissolved in it and goes into our system on consumption. This helps in nourishment of our body and has several other health benefits. It also maintain the pH of water and make it slightly alkaline which helps to maintain the acidity of our body.

Moreover, Clay pot is natural water cooler. This property is due to the pores present on it's surface through which water gets evaporated taking away the heat. It remove the heat present in the water which makes it cool naturally. This method of cooling the water is better than refrigerating it because clay pot cools the water to extent that is not harmful for our body thus avoiding sore throat ,sinus etc. which may be caused by drinking refrigerated water. This makes clay pot must have during summer.

3) Drinking water from Copper vessel

The property of water stored in copper vessel hold its place in our ancient texts of Ayurveda. Actually copper is a micronutrient which needed by our body for its proper functioning. When water is stored in copper vessel for some time, it dissolves some of the copper into it which when consumed fulfills the requirement of copper in our body. It helps to improve immune and brain function, manage hypertension, improves blood production etc.

Copper also has anti-microbial property which means it destroys the bacteria and other pathogen present in water stored in it's vessel. Thus, purifying water naturally. Drinking water which is stored in copper vessel also strengthen our digestive system which automatically aids in weight loss, makes skin and hair healthier, helps in proper absorption of nutrient from the food etc.

The best way to take advantage of copper charged water is to have it in morning. You can leave the water in copper vessel overnight and have it first thing in the morning directly or in glass or copper glass. One must avoid using any type of metal glass to drink copper charged water.

Warning -

  • Never store hot water in copper vessel because hot water dissolves excess amount of copper into it which has its demerits inside our body.

  • It is also not advised to drink copper charged water all day long because it can overdose you with copper. Once every morning is enough.

  • It is also not advised to you use copper glass or utensil to have acidic food like lemon water or Apple Cider vinegar because copper can react with it.

4) Drinking water from steel or glass vessel

Steel or glass vessels are quite neutral in nature. It means water which is stored in these vessel neither gain nor lose any of it's property which makes it best for regular use. The best thing is that warm water can easily be stored in these vessel without any concern. So, these are quite common utensil to store drinking water in our homes.

The bottle made from steel can be easily carried anywhere without thinking about the heat with makes it best replacement for plastic bottle. Thus, complementing the environment.

#. Conclusion

To conclude one must drink copper charged water every morning, store water in clay pot during summer days due to its cooling tendency and use steel or glass vessel rest of the time. Plastic bottles will be avoided at all cost.

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