Indian Anti-aging secret for youthful skin and hair

Birth and death is the rule of nature and no organism will ever be able to escape from it. Aging is the continuous and unavoidable phenomenon of life process. As time passes we age and turn old, this is the harsh truth of nature. Contrarily, people has always been wanting to look younger from their age. These days anti aging has been a hot topic of discussion everywhere because in this modern world peoples are aging much quicker and they look much older from their age.

Younger look is considered to reflect our healthy lifestyle. It makes us more attractive and boost our confidence level. But how can we reduce the aging effect on our skin? Today market is filled with tons cosmetic treatments and products which is chemical based and does more harm than good. We may find the answer in ancient India. Have you had a close watch on the pictures of Indian gods and goddess. Did you notice that they do not have any spots on their skin and they look much younger from today's people. That's the secret of ancient India. But these secrets are being forgotten nowadays. 

So, we want to make you aware about some Indian anti-aging secret beauty tips which will help you to preserve your skin from the effect of premature aging and makes it to look younger for longer.

#. Anti-aging and collagen

When it comes to anti aging collagen is one of the most important thing to consider. It is considered as structural unit of our looks. Actually, collagen in structural protein which makes of 70 to 80% of our skin. It is responsible for skin elasticity, youthfulness, firmness and plumbness of our skin. In this way it is responsible for anti-aging. When our skin is healthy it naturally regenerates and maintain it's collagen level thus preventing our skin from age effect. But as we age collagen level on our skin decreases which results in age effect like wrinkles and fineline.

In Indian Ayurveda, there are explanation for a lots of ayurvedic technique which helps to rejuvenate skin, mind and body and increase the elasticity of skin making it youthful. It suggest the use of herbal antioxidant and youth activating herbs like Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Bala (Sida cordifolia), cow's ghee, swarna bhasma etc. These antioxidant control the collagen depression increase it's regeneration.

Collagen is a type of protein, so the most important macronutrients that should focused on is intake of adequate amount protein. It helps to repair dead cell and boost our collagen level. An average person should take one gram protein per kg of their body weight. There are many vegetarian and non vegetarian source of protein. However ayurveda suggest keeping non vegetarian food at bay. We can have Sprouts, Soy products, milk, lentils etc. for protein.

Massage is one of the most effective technique to boost collage and level naturally. Taking a facial and head massage increases the blood circulation  and improve Oxygen and nutrient supply in those area. Ayurveda suggest the number of pressure point on our head and face which when massaged immediately improve blood circulation and also boost our mood. This helps to promote skin rejuvenation and increase collagen level and also help to heal the damaged cells.

#. Anti aging by yoga and meditation

Aging a natural effect. We can't stop ourself to age however by meditation we can slow down its effect on our skin to some extent. During ancient India yoga, meditation and ayurveda had helped people to stay healthy which reflects on their skin.

In today's modern world, stress is considered as the main reason for premature aging. One can control the stress through yoga and meditation. It helps to calm our mind down whose effect can be slowly seen on our skin.

During ancient India, normal day always starts with yoga and meditation. Yoga meditation although has endless list of benefits but some of its anti aging effect are - it helps to lighten the age spot and wrinkle and increases the elasticity of the skin making it more vibrant and beautiful.

There are the number of yoga poses to practice for anti-aging propose but the Lion pose has earned its own space in this field. Practicing this pose regularly reduces stress, increase blood supply on face, it also reduces wrinkles from under eye, neck and cheek. Apart from it we can also practice Sun Salutation (surya namaskar), Hastapadasana, Virabhadrasana (Warrior Pose), Head stand etc. for anti-aging effect.

Practicing yoga and meditation regularly purifies blood, remove toxin from our skin, rejuvenates brain cell, boost mind power, activate skin cells etc and this effect can be clearly seen on our skin. Healthy mind, healthy body and healthy skin can be known as secret for anti aging.

If a person want to live a healthy lifestyle, have a beautiful skin and improve themselves from within then he/she must practice meditation daily. This is beautiful art of living which should be followed by everyone.

#. Anti aging with Herbs

In ancient India, medicinal herbs had played an important role in skin and hair rejuvenation. Slowly this herbs were replaced by chemical based cosmetic items which may have a instant result but has side effect in long run. So, it is best to stick to basics and bring back those herbal technique for skin care due to its ayurvedic properties and zero side effect.

1) Neem

Neem is one of the type of medicine herbs which start to show its effect from day one on our body. If you are suffering from pimples the paste of neem leaf is for you. Applying Neem paste on our face cool downs our skin from within, kills infection causing bacteria and removes toxins from the skin. Neem juice is a natural blood purifier which can be consumed in empty stomach. During ancient India, Neem water were used for bathing propose which has numerous benefits on our whole body.

Neem also acts as a boon for our hair people of ancient India used to wash their from water which was previously boiled with neem leaves for at least for 15 minutes. This removes dandruff, control hair fall and itchiness, kills lice and promotes hair growth.

2) Saffron (Kesar) 

Saffron is one of the type spice that has been used as anti-aging ingredient. It is rich in vitamins like vitamin A,B and C. It acts as a natural toner to reduce melanin pigments and makes skin complexion light. Saffron face pack when massage on skin makes our skin soft and wrinkle free. It can also be used with milk to make hair pack for hair loss.

3) Amala

When it comes to beauty propose the contribution that can be made by amala can't be ignored. Amala has been used for cosmetic propose since ages. It is a richest source of vitamin c. Amala juice when mixed with honey can be used as face pack. When used regularly it adds glow to the skin and make it radiant.

Benefit of Amala for hair is also not hidden from anyone. It helps to accelerate hair growth and makes it strong and thick. Moreover regular use of Amala juice also helps to reduce dandruff and white hairs.

4) Turmeric

Turmeric is considered as Golden ingredient for Indian anti aging. It has a endless list of health benefits with his impossible to discuss in a single blog. Turmeric contains anti inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Turmeric pack when applied on the face helps to get rid of pimples, spot of pimples, tanning etc. It has anti-spot properties. Turmeric can be mixed with milk to make face pack. This Golden ingredient has always been used in beauty purpose. Turmeric when consumed also act as a natural blood purifier.

5) Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is one of the most effective way to reduce premature aging. Aloe vera due to its cooling properties can helps to reduce inflammation. Aloe Vera gel can be helpful for skin damage, sunburn, dark spot, dark patches, skin allergy etc. It is rich in vitamin C, E and beta carotene. Aloe vera can be the answer for most of our skin problems. During ancient India, Aloe vera were mixed with olive oil and applied as a face pack. This helped them to remove any spot or mark on their face and adds hydration to it.

Moreover aloe vera when applied as a hair mask have she maintain the PH balance of our hair. This help our hairs to grow faster and become thicker. It also helps to fight grey hair.

#. Indian plant based anti-aging super foods

We are what we put inside our system. The food that we consume directly or indirectly reflects on our skin. So, it is very important to take care of what we eat. Research has shown some plant based food that helps us to look younger and mask our original age. 

1) Almond

Almond are rich in vitamin E and Omega 3 fatty acid. These vitamin E helps to make our skin, nail and hairs healthy. It protects our body from free radicals and reduce the effect of UV Rays on our skin. According to expert one should consume 5 to 10 soaked and peeled almonds everyday. This simple super food can help to improve our health and combat the deficiency of healthy fat.

2) Walnut

Walnut is also one of the richest source of vitamin E. If you want to improve your skin elasticity and reduce age effect than walnut is for you. Consuming walnut regularly improve bone density, maintain healthy weight and strengthen our digestive system. It also improve our metabolism.

3) Sesame (TiL)

Sesame is a kind of ingredient that can be found in every Indian household. It is very rich in vitamin E, magnesium and calcium. It makes our bone healthy, improve muscle movement, strength blood vessel, helps in weight loss improve digestive system and metabolism. Consuming it regularly makes our skin soft and radiant from within.

4) Papaya

When it comes to our health, Papaya is a kind of fruit that can't be forgotten. Papaya is very rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. It increases skin elasticity, reduces fineline and wrinkles. It contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus with vitamin E, A, C and K. The antioxidants present in papaya fights free radicals and also helps to recover the damage caused by these free radicals.

Moreover papaya can also be applied on of face as a face mask. Doing this remove dead skin cells, exfoliate and nourishes our skin and make our skin soft and radiant.

Ayurveda is not a myth, it's a science. It has earned its space all over the world for its properties and zero side effect. It is completely natural and with long lasting result. But unfortunately this ayurveda is being forgotten since past few years due to the entry of modern science and foreign culture in our country. This is the reason why health problems has increased since last few decades. The whole Indian anti aging secret is based on ayurveda. So, it is important to inculcate ayurveda in our daily life for healthy and beautiful skin and hair in addition to anti aging effect.

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